Quod, fundamenta, providentia et prudentia ad opus prosperabuntur

“The foundation, foresight and insight needed to prosper”

Get to know us

Founded in 2018, Acuiti Accounting & Advisory was established to provide businesses of all sizes with strategic business advice and accounting services.

A critical role of any advisor is to understand you, your business and your goals. This is our focus; we want to get to know you.

All our advice is delivered with our vision in mind – your ability to understand the advice, to learn from it, to utilise it and to perhaps be inspired to share it.

It’s important that our clients feel empowered having learnt the knowledge and skills required to achieve the same great outcomes themselves while working with us.

Our core values and virtues

Core values & virtues are strongly held beliefs about what we hold as esteemed, important or acceptable. Too often a list of values becomes a list of words that sound good but hold little sentiment. We need values. They help us to respond in tough situations and allow us to forge lasting relationships with those around us. Equally important is their role as our ethical and moral compass; to which we can hold ourselves to account and by which others can hold us to account.

In business our core values and virtues are of vital importance to our culture.

Having clearly defined values makes life (and business) easier. As we list the values that define us and our culture we urge you to consider those that impact on you, your business and your culture.

The keystone of a profession is the inherent trust one can readily place upon a professional. We need to first be approachable and have acceptance of others, regardless of differences so they, in turn, feel free to come to us openly.

We often learn the most from those who differ from us. Diversity is more than just acknowledging differences but rather striving to expose ourselves to (and embrace) diverse people, experiences and ideas.

We must be accountable to our values and be responsible for our actions and decisions. This underpins our integrity; which is our consistency towards values and actions with unbroken completeness.

Adherence to the highest principals and ideals; probity towards honesty and honour. An active regard for the standards of our profession, in how we interact with all people and demonstrated through consistent transparency.

Critical to providing advice is having the resolve to speak one’s mind from an authentic place even if this is to convey adverse or negative opinions. The right advice is not always what people want to hear but providing the right advice regardless is the courageous thing to do.

Consistency is not a synonym for boring but rather the ability to provide a sense of comfort in the decisions we make based on our actions towards them having consistent reliability. From this reliability, we can afford a level of dependability by keeping our word and being there for others when they need us.

If you are optimistic about the outcome and embrace it with enthusiasm, challenging situations lose some of their difficulty and often you will achieve positive results.

Wisdom is the application of knowledge & experience tempered with time. Learning from both inward and outward reflection allows us to grow as we recognise the value that comes from different experiences, whether positive or negative.

Life is too short not to have fun and enjoy it. No one should be forced to be serious all the time. A little shared laughter goes a long way to making tough situations more bearable.

Mission Statement

  • We empower our clients to achieve their business and life goals through the sharing of expertise and quality education.
  • We provide a platform for our staff to grow professionally and personally so they can exceed our client’s expectations.
  • We create a positive environment that allows us to achieve our own success measured by the success of our staff and clients.

Vision Statement

To empower people, through the sharing of expertise, to make better business and financial decisions whilst inspiring them to empower and educate the people they connect with.

Our measure of success

The realisation that, through our support and education, our clients and staff become less reliant on us to make the decisions that allow them to achieve all of their goals.

Answers to your questions!